AMAZALERT examined how global and regional climate and land-use changes will impact Amazonian forests, agriculture, waters, and people; and how these impacts feed back onto climate. 

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“The AMAZALERT project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 282664, and was co-funded by many national agencies an institutes.”

Delivery Reports

AMAZALERT Final project summary for policy makers (D6.7) The results of the project have been summarised in a number of integrated messages and recommendations. In this summary we provide the key messages and support these with key project results. Delivery Report 6.7.
Bart Kruijt, Dorian Frieden, Han Dolman, Patrick Meir, Ana-Paula Aguiar, Kasper Kok, Neil Bird and (co-) work package leaders of the AMAZALERT project, Friday 12 December 2014
AMAZALERT Delivery Report on at least three training sessions (D6.5) During the AMAZALERT project period training sessions on specific topics were organized in conjunction with project conferences or workshops. The training sessions were focused on students in Latin America. In total 5 training sessions have been provided, therefore two more training sessions could be offered as compared to the originally proposed, because they could be organised at minimal extra cost. Delivery Report 6.5.
Celso von Randow (INPE), Sunday 30 November 2014
AMAZALERT Delivery Report: Special Issue on results related to AMAZALERT (D6.4) Special issue on results related to AMAZALERT. Delivery Report 6.4.
Celso von Randow (INPE), Sunday 30 November 2014
AMAZALERT Delivery Report: A blueprint for an early warning for critical transitions system in Amazonia (D5.1-3) In this report we present the scientific background for an Early Warning system for critical transitions in Amazonia, explore the need and existing systems and finally propose an outline, or 'Blueprint' for an Early Warning System (EWS). Delivery Report 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3.
Bart Kruijt et al / Alterra, Wageningen UR, Sunday 30 November 2014
AMAZALERT Delivery Report: Inputs for early warning system (D4.3) The AMAZALERT project yielded a wealth of information on socioeconomic, institutional and political context, plausible future outlooks of these aspects, and (un)desirable policies and other actions that could or should be taken. Together, all this information provided a rather complete picture of the types of actions and policies that should be taken in the (near) future in order to successfully attempt to reduce deforestation. This is has been documented in various Deliverables, importantly Deliverable 1.2 and Deliverable 4.1 and 4.2. With the exception of some of the information in Deliverable 4.2 where the results needed to run the land use change model are quantified, this information does not translate directly into quantitative indicators and indices that could be measured and monitored. Yet, meaningful input to the AMAZALERT Early Warning System can only be provided when translated to measurable units. This Deliverable provides some first indications of what variables could be measured and why they should be considered for the Early Warning System. Delivery Report 4.3.
Kasper Kok, Alterra, Wageningen UR, Sunday 30 November 2014
AMAZALERT Delivery Report: Set of land-use scenarios for Brazil, linked to implications for policies (D4.2) This report summarizes the AMAZALERT land use qualitative and quantitative scenario results, corresponding to Deliverable 4.2: Set of land-use scenarios for Brazil, linked to implications for policies: Final Report. Delivery Report 4.2.
Ana Paula Aguiar, Graciela Tejada, Talita Assis and Eloi Dalla-Nora (INPE), Sunday 30 November 2014
AMAZALERT Delivery Report: Improved understanding of Amazon basin nonlinear response to climate change and land use scenarios (D2.5) This deliverable attempts to give a brief overview on the latest developments and insights resulting from the activities of Work Package 2 of the AMAZALERT Project. Firstly, newly gathered insights resulting from the historical DGVM runs will shortly be discussed within the first paragraph. Additionally, we provide a description on the model protocol for future runs, on the future climate forcings and on the participatory LUC scenarios, all necessary to generate future DGVM runs. New advances on improved understanding on the Amazons responses to changing climate and changing land use has been explored in the penultimate chapter. Both responses will be discussed separately, starting with insights on the response to a changing climate and subsequently studying the effect of the altered LUC. A brief conclusion synthesises the most important new understandings and provides future perspectives. Delivery Report 2.5.
Hans Verbeeck et al., Sunday 30 November 2014
AMAZALERT Delivery Report: AMAZALERT stakeholder workshops and interviews: Summary of all participatory activities and results related to scenario development (D1.2) This Deliverable has a somewhat different content than originally envisioned. The original proposal assumed that the stakeholder engagement process would entirely be through a series of (three) workshops in Brazil to develop socio-economic and land use scenarios in close collaboration with SHS. During initial discussions, it became clear that by making use of an ongoing scenario-development process in Brazil, other options would become available to expand the stakeholder interaction process. We decided to add two stakeholder-engagement activities within AMAZALERT, namely a scenario workshop in Europe and a number of interviews with additional stakeholders in Brazil to enlarge the geographic coverage of our pool of stakeholders. Delivery Report 1.2.
Ana Paula Dutra de Aguiar, Kasper Kok, Mateus Batistella, Dorian Frieden, Ariella Helfgott, Gudrun Lettmayer, Pedro Zanetti, Sunday 30 November 2014