AMAZALERT examined how global and regional climate and land-use changes will impact Amazonian forests, agriculture, waters, and people; and how these impacts feed back onto climate. 

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“The AMAZALERT project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 282664, and was co-funded by many national agencies an institutes.”

Work Packages

The project is organised in 7 interlikend work packages:

  • WP1: To identify the main ecosystem services of the Amazon and their threats, and to manage stakeholder groups. Lead: Daniel Llarea, FAN; Kirsten Thonicke, PIK
  • WP2: To analyse and improve four Dynamic Global Vegetation Models and hydrology models, linked to land-use change models, for the Amazon region, through benchmarking and forecasting into the 21nd century and analysing new and existing data sets. Lead: Hans Verbeeck, UGENT and Celso von Randow, INPE
  • WP3: To analyse the results for the Amazon region of coupled Climate-vegetation Earth System Models, both newly generated and existing under CMIP5, and regional ESM simulations. Detect critical transitions. Lead: Gillian Kay, MetOffice and Gilvan Sampaio, INPE
  • WP4: To generate a range of scenarios for land-use change and development of the Amazon region, as well as analyse the effectiveness of policies affecting the region, by interacting with stakeholders groups and modelling land-use change. Lead: Kasper Kok, ALTERRA and Mateus Batistella, EMBRAPA
  • WP5: To bring together results from the other work packages and generate a ‘blueprint’ for an Early Warning System with them, to be based on models and monitoring in the region, that can be used by institutions and policy. Lead: Carlos Nobre, INPE and Bart Kruijt, ALTERRA
  • WP6: Dissemination. Lead: Gudron Lettenmeyer, JR and Celso von Randow, INPE
  • WP7: Management. Lead: Bart Kruijt/Nies Springer, ALTERRA and Carlos Nobre/Celso von Randow, INPE