AMAZALERT examined how global and regional climate and land-use changes will impact Amazonian forests, agriculture, waters, and people; and how these impacts feed back onto climate. 

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“The AMAZALERT project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 282664, and was co-funded by many national agencies an institutes.”

Archive News Articles

New study from the Brazilian Institute of Space Research quantifies the role of deforestation and forest degradation in the CO2 emissions until 2050 Brazilian Institute of Space Research (INPE) presents updated scenarios of land use and greenhouse gas emissions for the Brazilian Amazon region, combining quantitative and qualitative elements in a study that has just been published by CCST (Earth System Science Center) researchers.
INPE, Monday 9 November 2015
AMAZALERT Final project summary for policy makers (D6.7) The results of the project have been summarised in a number of integrated messages and recommendations. In this summary we provide the key messages and support these with key project results. Delivery Report 6.7.
Bart Kruijt, Dorian Frieden, Han Dolman, Patrick Meir, Ana-Paula Aguiar, Kasper Kok, Neil Bird and (co-) work package leaders of the AMAZALERT project, Friday 12 December 2014
Article: Understanding climate change impact on Amazon deforestation EU-funded researchers have assessed the impact of climate and land-use change on deforestation in the Amazon and put forward policy recommendations designed to ensure the long term sustainability of this vast ecosystem.
Horizon 2020, Tuesday 2 December 2014
AMAZALERT Factsheet, Número 7: Impactos del clima y el uso del uso en los bosques tropicales de la Amazonía El proyecto AMAZALERT (2011-2014) ha i) evaluado y cuantificado incertidumbres en los cambios futuros en la Amazonía como consecuencia del cambio climático y la deforestación; ii) mejorado las proyecciones de los impactos de estos cambios; iii) identificó potenciales políticas regionales y mundiales eficaces y iv) analizó las posibilidades para la alerta y la prevención de la pérdida a gran escala de servicios ecosistémicos. Esta hoja informativa ofrece un resumen de los principales resultados de AMAZALERT. Si la deforestación se mantiene baja, es poco probable que la mayor parte de la Amazonía se degrade severamente como consecuencia del cambio climático en este siglo. El sureste de la Amazonía es el área más vulnerable. Las incertidumbres acerca de los efectos de CO2 y los aumentos de temperatura, la sequía y las políticas son altas y los bosques amazónicos deben ser monitoreados para asegurar la predicción temprana de la degradación.
Bart Kruijt, Alterra Wageningen UR, Wageningen (NL) / Celso von Randow, INPE, SP (Bra), Friday 28 November 2014
AMAZALERT Factsheet Issue 7: Impacts of Climate and Land-Use on Tropical Forests in Amazonia, Summary of AMAZALERT results This fact sheet provides an overview of the main results of AMAZALERT. Most of the Amazon is not likely to degrade severely as a result of climate change this century, if deforestation is kept low. The south-east is more vulnerable. Uncertainties about the effects of CO2 and temperature increases, drought and policies are high and Amazon forests need to be monitored to ensure early prediction of degradation.
Bart Kruijt, Alterra Wageningen UR, Wageningen (NL) / Celso von Randow, INPE, SP (Bra), Friday 28 November 2014
Pictures Album Joint AMAZALERT and ROBIN Meeting, October 2014 Brasil Have a look at selected pictures on Picasaweb.
AMAZALERT Secretary, Monday 13 October 2014
Day 4: AMAZALERT project meeting The final project meeting of AMAZALERT with work packages sessions, etc
AMAZALERT Secretary, Thursday 9 October 2014
Day 3 of the joint AMAZALERT and ROBIN meeting: Rainforest trip On Wednesday October 8 the project members headed off for a trip in the rainforest.
AMAZALERT Secretary, Wednesday 8 October 2014