AMAZALERT examined how global and regional climate and land-use changes will impact Amazonian forests, agriculture, waters, and people; and how these impacts feed back onto climate. 

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“The AMAZALERT project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 282664, and was co-funded by many national agencies an institutes.”

Sample questions

AMAZALERT will address critical questions concerning the future of the Amazon region and its ecosystems, including: 

  • Will climate change cause forest die-back in the Amazon? If so, when and where is this likely to occur? 
  • How will people and policy respond to regional climate change and forest die-back? 
  • Which national or international policy measures, including REDD+, may be most effective in reducing die-back? 
  • Does deforestation aggravate climate-induced deterioration of forests and ecosystem services?